Monday, November 24, 2008

PS oh 8

Project Smile 08 has been a blast so far. This has been our third day and everyone seems to be settling into the Mexican pace of life quite nicely. The scorching sun seems to slow everything down to a much more desired pace of life. We got here on Friday evening and went straight to our favorite Mexican restaurant for some authentic enchilladas and of course the non~negotiable tequilla shots on the house. The next day we were up bright and early to go cook hamburgers at a little community called Modero. It was great to see progress on some of the facilities we were working on last year. Their feeding center and washrooms help provide basic needs to so many less fortunate people in that area.

After filling about 200 little bellies we hung out and played games with the little ninos. There was the likes of Chicken fights (also known as Cherry drop or Shoulder wars) nurf football, potato sack races, basketball and cut the pickle. To start to ease into our upcoming days of manual labor we even changed a light bulb. Needless to say there were a few jokes about how many Canadians it takes to change a light bulb.

After a couple days off, an unnecessarily large Mexican buffet, 1 senile Magician, 1 trip to the hospital, a skinless dead horse and a lot of boogie boarding we are back to the trenches for the next 5 days to spread some cheer in the form of groceries, hamburgers, pancakes, soccer and I'm sure plenty of shovel inspired blisters on our soft web designing hands. It's great to be back in Mazatlan and to see lots of the same little faces and all the progress made over the last year. Thanks to everyone that has helped this happen and continues to support a great cause down here in Mexico. Stay tuned for lots more stories to come this week!

Trent Martens

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