Monday, December 1, 2008

The wrap up

Being a newbie here in Mazatlan i could only expect the unexpected. This was by far the best team building experience i have ever encountered. a mixture of time off with the team and hard work provided a great environment to get to know one another.

The locations we vistited were extremely eye opening. being able to put a smile on the childrens faces is something i will never forget, and will be engrained in my mind for years to come. Some of the thing that stick out in my mind are defineltley the dump day and our voayage to the top. the line up for food was endless and the sight of our mobile kitchen was a blessing to all who spend their day sifting through the rubbish. Modero is an uplifting place, despite the living conditions and the quality of life, the kids who call Modero home always have a smile for the team and cant wait for our return. Our visit To stone island may have been the most shoking, as well as the hardest day of work (and i have the scar to prove it). The living condition are undescribable. one thing that will stick out in my mind from that day, is when Lydia told us to only give grocery tickets out to those who need it the most in other words the poorest of the poor. how to you decide who needs it more? you would have to see it too believe it.

I dont think i have ever cooked so much meat in all my life. During our visits to the dump and Modero Ponds and I cooked a total of 600 hamberguesas and 216 hotdogs. Being able to provide a decent meal to those who really need it is a feeling that cant be explained. All in all this has been one of the most memorable experiences of my life both getting to know the team a little bit better and lending a hand to those who need it the most. This is a trip i will always charish and look forward to being a part of for years to come.

On a lighter note i would like to close with a quote taken form daves thank you speech to all of us last night.
"Dont forget that theres a lot of good people in hell"


1 comment:

aubsblog said...

haha... I'll never forget that comment. Dave, Dave, Dave...