Friday, November 23, 2007

Fast Food

Our day began as a continuation of the work we began yesterday forming the foundations for a bathroom, as well as moving countless amounts of donated cinder blocks and applied fresh coat of paint to one of the feeding centre's. There is nothing like the Mexican heat, just waiting between the days tasks takes it toll on all of us. Nevertheless, it's fantastic being able to assist in helping develop buildings that will continue to serve the people of Mazatlan.

After a much needed siesta, our team headed out to a colonial in the evening where we hitched a mobile kitchen onto the back of a pickup truck. As a team prepared and served roughly 200 meals to a community of lively and sometimes mischeveous children. It was enjoyable for the whole team to play games and fullfill a basic need of food to these beautiful children. Many of the kids our team members recognized from years past and we are looking forward being involved with more of the kids over the coming week.

It's great to be back in Mexico!

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