Monday, November 26, 2007

Foot Tracing for the Special needs School

Lisa here - first-time poster.

Today, a handful of us went to the special needs school to continue the foot tracing. What is foot tracing, you ask? Well, it's exactly what it sounds like: we trace the footprints of a bunch of local kids, so La Vina and their partners can provide new shoes in the right sizes.

There was a much smaller group of children today. 50 attend the school, but only 30 were there today - we found out that a lot of the kids miss school as they tend to be sick more often than not. Their special needs range from Autism and Downs to physical and mental disabilities. The kids were quite playful and excited to see some new faces.

We broke up into groups of 2 and each headed to a class room. The first class Heather and I went into was full of smiles and waves. With one boy named Alfonso sleeping in the corner, it took some coaxing from his teacher to wake him up. A child through and through, not wanting to get up from his nap, he saw us there and pretended to keep sleeping but the smile gave it away. He then got on his knees and continued to sleep with his head on the mat. It made me smile to see that kids are all the same no matter what; they just want to be kids and enjoy their nap and tease us into thinking that they do not know we are there. One of the other classes ran and hugged another team, and the third team got high fives all around.

After returning to the hotel, Heather, Amanda and I went the City Market, which was an event in it self. There were lots of vendors selling everything and they were not shy about helping you find things you wanted - and did not want, in some cases! Talk about customer service.

On a different note, I just wanted to say that this being my first time anywhere outside of Canada and the USA, I am glad that have this opportunity to see life outside of the 'pretty' area. If I had traveled on my own, I never would have seen this side of the Mazatlan. It is a good eye opener for me and I am thankful for all that I have, and that I am able to help like this. Just seeing that La Vina is fighting to make a better life in the colonials is heartwarming.


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